Mediamondo | Juli 2004
30. Juli 2004
- neufblog
- First ISP in Europe launched on TypePad (Loic Le Meur Blog)
- iPod-Streit: Apple wirft RealNetworks "Hacker-Taktik" vor (heise)
- Bloggers Anonymous (Telepolis)
- Wry Hoaxes Enliven the World of Web Diarists (NY Times)
- Blühende Blogosphere - Online-Journalisten gewinnen publizistischen Einfluss (NZZ)
29. Juli 2004
- Blogger als Berichterstatter? (Spiegel)
- Die Meinungspiraten (taz)
28. Juli 2004
- Daily blog roundup (
27. Juli 2004
- Kooperation: iTunes fürs Handy (Spiegel)
- Dossier Weblogs und Journalismus (
- Blogger stehlen John Kerry die Schau (heise)
- Movable Type 3.1: What's New (
- The Empire Blogs Back (Wired News)
26. Juli 2004
- Web Diarists Are Now Official Members of Convention Press Corps (NY Times)
- A blog list for media guys (BuzzMachine)
24. Juli 2004
- Anhörungen zum 11. September bei iTunes zum Download (heise)
- Movable Type announces 3.1 (Deep Green Crystals)
- Ublog, exception culturelle ? (
- L'avenir d'Ublog (Loïc Le Meur)
- U-Blog, Six Apart, and Their Angry Bloggers (Climb to the Stars)
- Petite histoire de la blogosphère (Embruns)
- Microsoft Puts Slate Online Magazine Up for Sale (Reuters)
- Movable Type 3.1 (TypeBlog)
23. Juli 2004
- Facilities, Sights, People, Food, Bed (von praschl)
- DNC 2004 Weblogs: News Aggregator
- Blogging Against Convention (Wired News)
- Plug In To Movable Type 3.0 Developer's Contest Winners (Six Log)
22. Juli 2004
- TypePad goes Bratwurst (TypeBlog)
- The Media Drop
- 9-11 Commission Final Report
- BlogOn 2004 - The Business of Social Media
- Blogging: A world stuck on itself | Perspectives (CNET)
- TF1 piégé par un webzine (Largeur)
- Apple kommt mit Independent Labels voran (heise)
- MyBlog is 20Six (Blogbar)
- Blog-Dienst 20six übernimmt (heise)
21. Juli 2004
- Law Professor's Web Log Is Jurists' Must-Read(
- ChangeThis
- The Social Computing Research Lab List (Made out of people)
- Politisches P2P: Biete Abu Ghureib, suche alles über Halliburton
20. Juli 2004
- Der Wille zum Schein (8. Philosophicum Lech)
16. Juli 2004
- Blogger now has a WYSIWYG post editor. (Biz Stone)
- Fox News Memos: The Whole Batch (Wonkette)
- Medienwächter kritisiert Haim Saban (NZZ)
- Eisner at Brainstorm, wearing Mickey T-shirt (Boing Boing)
- Flickr and Feedburner shipping cool photo syndication tools (Boing Boing)
- Die Blogpause ist was völlig normales (
- Blogs, surprise me. (Blogbar)
- Electronic Darfur (Bad Subjects)
- Bertelsmann: Weiter Ärger wegen Napster (NZ)
- Weblog Umfrage 2004 (
15. Juli 2004
- The New York Times RSS
- Preiszeitungen 2004 (Der Gegen-Award)
- bitoogle (Google for torrents)
- Is This The Next iPod? (Gizmodo)
- Razzia in Berlusconis Medienkonzern (Netzeitung)
14. Juli 2004
- Ublog acquired by Six Apart and joining its new management team (Loic Le Meur)
- Six Apart grows again (Joi Ito)
13. Juli 2004
- Google und Photoblogging?
- Zeitungsformate - Wikipedia (via Wortfeld)
- Samsung SPH-2300: 3 Megapixel Cameraphone
- NZZ-Gruppe plant Syndication-Plattform (Medienspiegel)
- Fahrenheit 911 Facts: Notes & Sources (Michael
- It's officially a living: Bloggers find ad boom can pay their rent (Chicago Tribune)
12. Juli 2004
- Die Nominierungen stehen (ZEIT Preisbloggen 2004)
- Apple verkauft 100.000.000 Songs im Online-Shop (heise)
- Pickings sucht Sommerverstärkung (
- Blogzählung! (Moe's Blog)
- «Leute, die RSS nutzen, lesen das Web anders» (metamac)
11. Juli 2004
- frontline: the war behind closed doors (PBS)
- CNN USA rolls out new look (Digital Spy)
10. Juli 2004
- Grassroots hackers create file-swapping wireless iPod (The Register)
- Turn your iPod into a wireless jukebox with Pocketster Pro (Simeda)
- Mehr Weblogs? (Das E-Business Weblog)
- Real Life 9.7.04 - One more bad night (Rebellen ohne Markt)
- Alternative Investments (Minusvisionen)
- Eintrag im Weblog (eBay-Artikel)
- Online film piracy 'set to rise' (BBC NEWS)
- Transparent Desktop Opens Doors (Wired News)
- Dems Credential Bloggers; GOP Will, Too (AP)
- Convention Coverage is a Failed Regime and Bloggers Have Their Credentials (PressThink)
- Convention bloggers named (
- Blogs, Bandwidth and Banjos: Tightly knit bonds in weblogging. (Mena's Corner)
09. Juli 2004
- A Wikipedia of Free Culture? (Creative Commons)
- what is the most valuable weblog? (David Galbraith)
- eigentext (Verein zur Förderung freier Publishing-Software)
08. Juli 2004
- Romantik vs. Professionalität (the drink tank)
- Im eigenen Saft (the drink tank)
- How to Bittorrent Fahrenheit 9/11 (Boing Boing)
- Nokia Lifeblog Beta
07. Juli 2004
06. Juli 2004
- Sony Connect
- United Mileage Plus Music
- SmartAdvice: Are Blogs The Next Internet Marketing Phenomenon? (InformationWeek)
- Bloggers come of age in US presidential race (AFP)
- Videoblogging: BlogTalk 2.0 (Sixtus)
- An Investor's 'Gong Show' for Billion-Dollar Dreamers (NY Times)
- Using Blogs To Dispense Venture Capital (Slashdot)
- Deutsche sind Blog-Muffel (heise)
05. Juli 2004
- mediatope II
- German Blogosphere (Nico Lumma)
- AP to launch its first blog at the U.S. political conventions (Associated Press)
- metamac («metamac ist kein Weblog!»)
04. Juli 2004
- ShortStat (
03. Juli 2004
- The Mac Get Its Big Break: A Role in Home Theaters (NY Times)
- How to Make Money with Your Blog (Learning Movable Type)
- Explaining trackback to journalists (Poynter)