Heute startet Placeblogger.com. Es handelt sich um ein Verzeichnis sogenannter «hyperlokaler» Websites.
Eine Definition findet sich auf der About-Seite:
«Placeblogs, however, are about something broader than news alone. They’re about the lived experience of a place. That experience may be news, or it may simply be about that part of our lives that isn’t news but creates the texture of our daily lives: our commute, where we eat, conversations with our neighbors, the irritations and delights of living in a particular place among particular people. However, when news happens in a community, placeblogs often cover those events in unique and nontraditional ways, and provide a community watercooler to discuss those events.»
Jay Rosen liefert eine gute Übersicht über das Projekt und verweist auf ein Video in dem Gründerin Lisa Wiliams die Website vorstellt.
Placeblogger: Blogging about places
PressThink: Check out Placeblogger.com. It’s About All Those Hyperlocal News Sites Springing Up…
MediaBerkman: America at Sidewalk-Level: Placeblogs as a Lens into Citizen Journalism
Poynter E-Media Tidbits: Need Local Blogs? Check Out Placeblogger