Global Voices ist der Name einer Bewegung, welche sich der Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit verschrieben hat. Entstanden ist die Idee in einem Blogger-Workshop in Rahmen der Internet + Society 200-Konferenz in Harvard. Zur Zeit wird ein Manifest entwickelt. Ein Auszug:
«1) we believe in free speech – and act to defend it and extend it
2) we believe in direct connection between people in ways which allow us to consider ourselves part of a bigger here and wider us – and we act to bring flows of tools, money and attention to bear on creating channels for those connections to develop
3) we believe in planetary citizenship along international norms – and we act to empower campaigns to make the world fairer, freer, more prosperous and more sustainable.»
Weitere Informationen:
RConversation: A new movement is launched!
Weblog: Global Voices Online
Global Voices Online: What is GVO?