Isamu Kaneko

Internet / Technologie
«Isamu Kaneko, a very well-known software engineer and a research associate of Tokyo university, was arrested for creating a P2P software called ‚Winny‘ which supports anonymous bulletin board and file-sharing.» Background and Status
«Isamu Kaneko experimentally created ‚Winny‘ which has more efficiency than previous anonymous P2P software such as Freenet. Winny has anonymous efficient file-sharing feature. Winny was getting very famous with helps of websites or books which teach how to use, although Winny was made for a research purpose and usage is very difficult for normal users»
Wikipedia: Winny
heise: Japanische Polizei verhaftet Entwickler von Filesharing-Software
«Die Software „Winny“, die sich durch besonders einfache Bedienung auszeichnet, ist in Japan zum Weitergeben von Filmen, Spielen und sonstiger Software sehr beliebt. Es soll derzeit in Japan etwa 250.000 Nutzer geben.»
Joi Ito: Developer of Japanese P2P system arrested

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