Das Wall Street Journal berichtet über fünf Trends, welche der Werbeindustrie aus der Patsche helfen sollen. Unter dem Stichwort «The return of the web» werden auch Weblogs erwähnt:
WSJ.com: Five Key Issues Could Alter The Ad Industry
«And presidential candidates Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and others are the envy of many marketers with Internet-based efforts that include a Weblog that anyone can join and techniques that urge people to hold their own house parties and communicate among themselves. (…)
Will marketers take advantage of the new capabilities and come up with Web advertising that will actually work without ticking off surfers with ever more pop-up ads? The Internet has proved difficult to master in the past, but as more households embrace broadband, the potential is too great to ignore.»
Jeff Jarvis äussert in seinem Kommentar die Hoffnung auf eine neue Beziehung zwischen Medien und Werbung. Die Werber müssten aber erst lernen zuzuhören, um die neuen Tools («weblogs and forums») erfolgreich einsetzen zu können:
BuzzMachine: The business of weblogs
«Media and advertising have always been about relationships but in media not built for relationships because they were only one way: the big we has a relationship with the little you and not vice versa. This is the first medium actually built for relationships, two-way, about listening and not just talking.»
Derweil fängt bei Jason Calacanis (Ex-New-Economy-Silicon-Alley-Reporter) das New-Blog-Economy-Geschrei wieder an. Er will den Kauf von DailyCandy (the trendy Web site featuring tips on everything from restaurants and nightclubs to sample sales and beauty finds) durch Ex-AOL-Chef Bob Pittman als Beweis gewertet sehen, dass man mit Weblogs in Zukunft dick Geld verdienen kann.
The Nanopublishing Weblog: Who says a blog cant be worth a million now?!
«Well Nick Denton, it looks like a blog can be worth a millionor in Daily Candys case $3.5-$4m! Yes, I know Daily Candy is an email newsletter but lets be honest here: there is no difference between Daily Candy and Gawker.»
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