Nach den Warblogs kommen nun die Politblogs. In diesem Jahr entdecken Politiker Weblogs für ihre Zwecke.
NPR: When NPR and the NPR Ombudsman Get It Wrong
NPR-Ombudsmann Jeffrey A. Dvorkin: «Blogs are, as I now appreciate, as legitimate a method of communicating information and opinion as traditional media. I was wrong to suggest that much of political blogging is ‹astroturfing›.»
San Francisco Chronicle: Web forum shapes political thinking / Dean consultant in Berkeley builds ‚blog‘ into influential tool
Paul Grabowicz von der UC Berkeley Graduate School über die politische Bedeutung von Weblogs: «‹They may play out like a lot things that exploded on the Internet and were going to change everything,› said Grabowicz. ‹On the other hand, the sophisticated answer is that they’re an interesting addition to the public discourse and a welcome check on journalism.›»
Daily Kos
«Political Analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation.»
Washington Post: Survey: Blogs, Chats Key to Campaigns
«Political candidates trying to use the Internet to win support from young, Web-wise voters should avoid pop-up and banner ads and instead use interactive media like Internet chats and „blogs,“ according to a study released today.»
via (JD’s New Media Musings)
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