flash mobs


The Word Spy: flash mob
«flash mob: (FLASH mawb) n. A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse.»
Zwei Artikel zum Thema «flash mobs»:
NZ: Kurze Momente der Sinnlosigkeit
CNN: ‚Flash mobs‘ spread to Europe
NZZ: Clevere Rudel – «Flash-Mob» – Nonsens oder soziale Revolution?
Wie «flash mobs» organisiert werden:
Flash Mob (flashmob.twoday.net)
paradeiser – flash mob #1 vienna
flashmob #1 / vienna – 25.07.2003 (flashmob.neuromance.net)
flashmobs suck
what? wod? ay!
Flash Mob | Berlin

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