Monate: Februar 2003

James Boyle – A Politics Of Intellectual Property


Armin Medosch: Native Voices – Sustainable Net Strategies (PDF) „When it comes to intellectual property, there is this tendency to overprotect, rather than underprotect. Why is this? First, Boyle says courts are more inclined to take free speech issues seriously in case it is a state censorship. If it is censorship that comes from private industries than the courts tend to ignore that. Second, intellectual property writes a given for original creation. But the idea […]

Blogger Google F.A.Q.


BLOGGER: Blogger Google F.A.Q. „Q: Does this mean my blog will rank higher in Google search results? A: Nope. It does mean your blog might be stored physically closer to Google but that’s about it. The people at Google have done a great job over the years making sure their search results are honest and objective and there’s no reason they would change that policy for Blogger or anyone else.“ CNET Google’s search for […]


Medien News feeds to reshape the web „Journalists and web experts in the US are predicting that news feeds will re-shape the way online news is published, despite several European court rulings outlawing the practice of deep-linking.“

Word Bursts


Daypop Top Word Bursts „Word Bursts are heightened usage of certain words in weblogs within the last couple days. They are indicators of what webloggers are writing about right now.“ Reuters: LiveWire: Blog publishers stealing Web limelight

Das semantische Web


Chaosradio: Das Semantische Web (heute abend) Heute habe ich zum ersten Mal von einem Blogger die Stimme gehört. Der Schockwellenreiter wurde im Chaosradio interviewt. Scientific American : The Semantic Web The Semantic Web Community Portal 3sat: Das semantische Web – Von der Technik der Kommunikation

Weblogs in Harvard


CNET Blogging comes to Harvard Dave Winer: „The typical news article consists of quotes from interviews and a little bit of connective stuff and some facts, or whatever. Mostly it’s quotes from people. If I can get the quotes with no middleman in between–what exactly did CNN add to all the pictures? Maybe they earned their salaries a little bit, but Web logs have become journalism, and it’s much richer. Journalism is a high […]