Wie geht es weiter mit Napster? Steht Napster nach den gescheiterten Übernahmeverhandlungen mit Bertelsmann kurz vor dem Aus?
Heise: Napster-Chef Konrad Hilbers tritt zurück
NY Times: Turmoil at Napster Moves the Service Closer to Bankruptcy
„Bertelsmann, the parent of BMG music, one of the major record companies, has lent Napster $85 million to help it become a commercial service. Under a deal proposed some two weeks ago, Bertelsmann would have paid $16.5 million and erased the previous debt in exchange for gaining full ownership of Napster. Bertelsmann might have subsequently taken Napster into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and reorganized the company, people familiar with the negotiations said.“
Telepolis: Napster vor dem Aus
Wired: Last Rites for Napster
„Shortly after, Napster’s approximately 70 remaining employees were offered two unappealing options: Quit now and receive severance pay, or take one week of unpaid leave, hoping somebody will revive the once powerful file-trading company, sources close to the situation said.“