Monate: Mai 2002

Vivendi-Chef Messier unter Kontrolle


Heise: Vivendi-Chef kann nicht mehr allein steuern Le Jean-Marie Messier placé sous surveillance „Sans surprise, le PDG du deuxième groupe mondial de communication a réussi à sauver son siège. Mais M. Messier a dû s’expliquer longuement, près de neuf heures, sur ses comptes et sa stratégie, proposant plus de 80 transparents, passant en revue tous les performances et les objectifs de chaque activité.“ Guardian Unlimited: Messier outlines strategy to Vivendi board „The centrepiece of his plan […]

Personal RSS Aggregators


Ein Überblick von Jon Udell über verschiedene RSS-Reader/Aggregatoren. Personal RSS Aggregators „I’ve been running Radio UserLand for about four months now, and the built-in RSS aggregator has changed how I process information in a dramatic way.“



Eine neue Serie interessanter Artikel über Weblogs: Microcontent News: Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem „How Weblogs and Journalists work together to Report, Filter and Break the News.“ DaveNet: Edward Cone: A Personal Look at Blogging „As a professional, I see other benefits to blogging. I found when I added a weekly opinion column in a regional daily to my full-time job as a magazine journalist that writing more makes me a better writer.“ The Seattle […]

Blogger Map


» nyc bloggers „There are a million blogs in the naked city. Here’s where to find them. Please join us in a project to bring together New York City’s blogs: The New York City Blogger Map.“ » globe of blogs: weblog directory » BLOGHAUS: Blogger-Karte

But who are the real pirates?

Medien But who are the real pirates? „When the MPAA complains that it is losing billions to piracy, my first reaction is, so what? The Hollywood studios are already hugely wealthy; their power increases constantly, as does the power of other multinational copyright- and patent-holders such as the pharmaceutical firms. Consider the VCR. When VCRs and Beta recorders first appeared, the MPAA made an aggressive attempt to have their recording capacities banned. Recording films off […]

Bermuda Triangle of the Digital Age


Infoworld: Riding the tiger „At the intersection of two disruptive technologies lies the Bermuda Triangle of the Digital Age. Wi-Fi (802.11 wireless communications) and Weblogs (the untethered journalism of the immediate) are comingling to produce an intoxicating blend of chaos and innovation.“

Time to blog on

Blogging Time to blog on „Whether the thousands of people blogging their own personal subjects can be called journalists, or whether they can make a living at it, or whether the wide availability of the free blogging tools makes for a hard time filtering the signal from the noise, are all debates starting now; but for the people consuming blogs as their premier news service, the arguments are somewhat irrelevant. (…) Because bloggers on similar […]

Josef Ackermann

Wirtschaft Deutsche Bank: Low-Key-Joe „An Josef Ackermann beeindruckt die Bodenhaftung. Der Schweizer ist kein Schausteller – er schafft Vertrauen mit Offenheit und Aufrichtigkeit. Und er wird am kommenden Mittwoch neuer Vorstandssprecher der Deutschen Bank.“