Monate: September 2001

ORF ON Futurezone: Nostradamus-Legende


ORF ON Futurezone: Nostradamus-Legende macht im Netz die Runde –> «In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. Nostradamus 1654.» –> «Diese Aussage macht derzeit „passend“ zum WTC-Attentat als „Prophezeiung des Nostradamus“ im Netz die Runde. Wie bei anderen modernen Märchen auch, dient die Schnelligkeit der Internet-Infokanäle einer enorm raschen Verbreitung.» –> «Das angebliche Nostradamus-Zitat stammt aus […] Red Cross Disaster

1 Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund «All of us at are deeply saddened by the recent tragedies in New York City, Washington, D.C., and southwestern Pennsylvania, and we extend our sympathies and condolences to those affected. You can support relief efforts by making a donation…»

New York Times: Web


New York Times: Web Offers Both News and Comfort «At, a site normally devoted to technical discussion of Web programming, people sent in pictures of the World Trade Center buildings collapsing and reports.» (…) «The need to connect is intense,» said Donna Hoffman, a professor who studies the Web and Web commerce at Vanderbilt University. «While the network TV stations blather, the Internet carries the news and connects the masses in a true interactive […]

Wired: Net Slows in


Wired: Net Slows in Wake of Attacks «Internet traffic slowed Tuesday as people headed online for news of attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, but major backbone networks appeared to hold up in the hours following the twin tragedies.»

Wired: Tech Sites Pick


Wired: Tech Sites Pick up the News «Personalized Internet radio stations and technology websites abandoned their normal news-delivery operations as major Internet media outlets wilted under the crush of traffic following Tuesday’s attacks in New York and Washington.»

Wired: Tower Tchotchkes Hot


Wired: Tower Tchotchkes Hot Souvenir «In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in New York City, people on Internet auction sites are apparently bidding up the prices of World Trade Center memorabilia, attempting, they say, to find some items with which to remember the buildings now completely destroyed.»