Monate: September 2001



Gehe nach Palermo. In 14 Tagen bin ich zurück, braungebrannt und starte neu. In der Zwischenzeit könnt Ihr Commissario Montalbano schauen oder mir eine Mail schreiben. Michael

If relativity is proved right…


Albert Einstein: «If relativity is proved right the Germans will call me a German, the Swiss call me a Swiss citizen, and the French will call me a great scientist. If relativity is proved wrong the French will call me a Swiss, the Swiss will call me a German, and the Germans will call me a Jew.» (via

Blogging came of age

Blogging When blogging came of age «All in all, I’ve revised my earlier views about the usefulness of blogging, moving full circle from my earlier position. Yes, there’s still a lot of chaff out there, and it’s the reader’s responsibility to sift and choose. But in the best spirit of grassroots participation, these new information gatekeepers are helping to rewrite the rules.» Das hat jemand seine Meinung geändert. 🙂

Through the eyes of weblogs


The Guardian: The atrocity through the eyes of weblogs.«Only through the human stories of escape or loss have I really felt the disaster. And some of the best eyewitness accounts and personal diaries of the aftermath have been published on weblogs. These stories, some laced with anecdotes of drunken binges and random flings, have a rude honesty that does not make its way through the mainstream media’s good-taste filter.» Nick Denton (Weblog/Website), der Chairman von […]

ARTE: Themenabend zu Afghanistan


Heute war auf ARTE ein sehr interessanter Themenabend zu Afghanistan zu sehen: Special Afghanistan « Mit offenen Karten – die Taliban « Massud – Ein afghanischer Kämpfer « Brief von Dokumentarfilmer Christophe de Ponfilly « Dossier: Afghanistan – Die Diktatur der Gotteskrieger « Links zu Afghanistan