Monate: Juni 2001

Klaus Eierhoff, Bertelsmann


«Bertelsmann ist mit dem Fortschritt bei Napster äusserst zufrieden. Nach einer angemessenen Testphase wird das neue Business-Modell eingeführt.» Bertelsmann-Vorstand Klaus Eierhoff über den Starttermin der kommerziellen Version von Napster, Financial Times Deutschland, 26. Juni 2001

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Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power


Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies – Andy Oram «The term „peer-to-peer“ has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the systems‘ technical underpinnings are their socially disruptive potential: in various ways they return content, choice, and control to ordinary users. While this book is mostly about the technical promise of peer-to-peer, it […]