Tre stelle ***
» Jetzt geht es auch Gnutella an den Kragen
Die US-amerikanische Filmindustrie will gegen den Tausch von Spielfilmen über das Internet vorgehen. Das Hauptziel dabei: Der File-Sharing-Dienst Gnutella. Dumm nur, dass der sich nicht so einfach abschalten lässt wie beispielsweise Napster.
» The Economist: The beast of complexity
The future of software may be a huge Internet-borne cloud of electronic offerings from which users can choose exactly what they want, says Ludwig Siegele
At both the NEC Institute and Penn State University, autonomous computer programs have been given free reign to create their own native tongue. From random binary babble these software bots have evolved a language that allows them to hunt in a pack and out-perform human programmed strategies. Better search engines, swifter internet security and more coordinated robot control systems might just be a bit more babbling away.
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